How would your organization like to grow?
Samuels Consulting works with businesses and organizations of all sizes to achieve sustainable, scalable growth by:
- Formulating a clear plan - Dispassionate analysis of your growth opportunity, the attendant strategies and the execution plan. You must be prepared to thoroughly communicate the opportunity and your vision to lead, motivate and focus your team
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there" - George Harrison paraphrasing Alice in Wonderland
- Recommend optimal organizational structure to achieve your strategic initiatives
"First we shape our structure, then our structures shape us" - Winston Churchill
- Provide a plan to optimize the management team capabilities - Define key role skill requirements, assess the skills of your current team and establish a plan to develop/augment required skills
"I am looking for a lot of [leaders] who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done" - Henry Ford
- Establish goal clarity and accountability - For each key role, gain agreement on results to be achieved including key metrics to provide timely measurement of results
"Accountability breeds response-ability." - Stephen R. Covey
- Provide a process to avoid obsolescence - Implement a management system along with key metrics to continuously evaluate results and adapt to changing opportunities and risks
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - Henry Ford
Examples of situations that present opportunities for growth
- Change in existing or new product/service
- Product/service volume increase/decrease
- Change in customer feedback - positive or negative
- Change in your customer market
- Change in your competitive environment
- Addition/change in technology
- Addition/change of third-party vendors
- The addition or replacement of a role key to your vision or strategy
- Acquisition
- Merger
- Reorganization
- Relocation of all or a portion of the company
Stew Samuels
Stew is a senior executive with 20+ years of success spanning small start-up businesses to Fortune 500 companies. He brings broad depth in Strategic planning, Organizational design, Operations design, Management systems/metrics design, Technology and Human Resources.
To your organization, Stew brings an experienced fresh set of eyes to provide solutions to your business opportunities/puzzles.
He specializes in being able to scale from the strategic to the very tactical - throughout remaining practical, direct and personable.
5 Reasons our Clients use us:
- Knowledgeable, Experienced, Successful
- Our broad range of experience provides solutions for targeted issues or larger strategic initiatives
- We bring
Technological savvy to improve product/service quality, efficiency and marketing/customer service
- We provide personalized solutions to leverage your competitive advantage - no assumptions or 'cookie cutter' answers
- Dispassionate assessment and recommendations regarding
- Your growth opportunity and the strategy to achieve the goal
- Organizational design, key role skills needed, skills/experience of your current team and skills development/augmentation
- The implementation plan and key measures of results
- We value relationships
- First we listen to understand your organization, the opportunity and to provide optimal solutions/recommendations
- We are direct, honest and personable
- We work successfully with everyone in your organization - from the Boardroom to the mail-room
- We value your trust, keep our promises and emphasize mutual respect in all our interactions
- We are results & action oriented
- Theory is good - practical is better. You get solutions that work. We can get the project done quickly
- We are flexible to minimize disruption to your ongoing activities
- We can facilitate or manage implementation of your solution
- We are committed to you and your success
- No messy hand-offs - we're here from start to finish
- We build the structure, relationships, skills and metrics to ensure continued success after we have left the building